Course status
Cancellation policy
You can drop up to 30 min before your first lesson only
8 years old - 11 years old
Delivered in
£14 per lesson

In Course 2 - Stories for MY World, students will create and tell stories that connect with their lives.

Class 1     Know your Audience – Being Empathetic      

                 Story: Favourite personal story to show personality/interests

Class 2     Creating Confidence

                 Story: Why I need a (mobile phone)

Class 3      Capturing your Audience

                  Story: Class President Speech

Class 4      Body Language

                  Story: Class President Speech

Class 5      Review and on-the-spot storytelling

                  Story: Group Storytelling

Storytelling is all around us. When you talk with friends, you tell stories. When you meet new people, you tell stories. When you go to work, you tell stories. Humans are natural storytellers and being a good storyteller is an important skill in the social, academic and working world.

In this course, we will discover and learn how to tell great stories by exploring structure, the use of suspense, curiosity, sensory language and your tone of voice to tell stories that will have your audience hanging on your every word.


This is by far most favourite course for my daughter. Telling stories is such a powerful technique that will help children grow into confident public speakers. The topics learnt during this program are beneficial for a child for school related work, but also would help a child in relationships with friends and making new connections. Ability to draw listener's attention is vital at any age. I would like to thank Colin for such an amazing course!
24 May 2022