Course status
Booking open until 7 Oct, 6:00pm
Monday, 6:00 - 7:00pm
9 Sep - 7 Oct
Cancellation policy
You can drop up to 24 hours before your first lesson only
5 lessons × 60 min.
Course occupancy
2/5 students
9 years old - 12 years old

This class is for Year 5 children aged 9 to 12 years old with the course focussing on 11+ curriculum. There are maximum 5 children in the class, ensuring that children are given personal attention and support in a small group setting. The course covers English for 11+ entrance exam preparation (including reading, writing, SPAG and grammar) and a range of Verbal Reasoning skills for this age group. It is a weekly lesson, 1 hour long, term-time only and taught in 10-week blocks.


Student account
Already have an account? Then please sign in.
If you are booking for several children
Create separate accounts for each child with different email addresses. Then link accounts together from settings to switch between them easily.
  • 9 Sep, 6:00pm
  • 16 Sep, 6:00pm
  • 23 Sep, 6:00pm
  • 30 Sep, 6:00pm
  • 7 Oct, 6:00pm
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