Course status
Booking open until 23 Nov, 8:00am
Saturday, 8:00 - 9:00am
19 Oct - 23 Nov
Cancellation policy
You can drop up to 24 hours before lesson
6 lessons × 60 min.
Course occupancy
0/6 students
(2 more needed to confirm the course)
8 years old - 10 years old
Delivered in

Ребята познакомятся с разными видами денег, узнают их историю и основные функции, познакомится с понятиями расходов, доходов, бюджета, научатся составлять семейный бюджет, узнают о разных видах сбережений, разберутся в том как умно распоряжаться своими деньгами. Курс рассчитан на 8 занятий.


Student account
Already have an account? Then please sign in.
If you are booking for several children
If you need several student accounts you don't have to use different email addresses. Once you sign up open Settings and add another account - you'll be able to easily switch between them and won't need another email address.
  • - 19 Oct, 8:00am
  • - 26 Oct, 8:00am
  • - 2 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 9 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 16 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 23 Nov, 8:00am
This course will need 1 more student to get confirmed, otherwise you will get a refund.
All payments are processed by Stripe using their secure encryption system. We never store your card details.