Course status
Booking open until 18 Jan 2025, 8:00am
Saturday, 8:00 - 9:00am
19 Oct 2024 - 18 Jan 2025
Cancellation policy
You can drop up to 24 hours before your first lesson only
14 lessons × 60 min.
Course occupancy
0/5 students
(2 more needed to confirm the course)
11 years old - 14 years old
Delivered in

Это более широкий курс чем курс для 3-4 класса. В дополнение к основам финансовой грамотности мы разберёмся  в больших деталях с банковской системой, узнаем что такое банковская карта, какие виды карт бывают и как правильно ими пользоваться. Ребята познакомится с понятием кредита, лизинга, разных видов вкладов,  узнают о налоговой системе. Мы также поговорим о видах финансового мошенничества и узнаем как его распознать.


Student account
Already have an account? Then please sign in.
If you are booking for several children
If you need several student accounts you don't have to use different email addresses. Once you sign up open Settings and add another account - you'll be able to easily switch between them and won't need another email address.
  • - 19 Oct, 8:00am
  • - 26 Oct, 8:00am
  • - 2 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 9 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 16 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 23 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 30 Nov, 8:00am
  • - 7 Dec, 8:00am
  • - 14 Dec, 8:00am
  • - 21 Dec, 8:00am
  • - 28 Dec, 8:00am
  • - 4 Jan 2025, 8:00am
  • - 11 Jan 2025, 8:00am
  • - 18 Jan 2025, 8:00am
This course will need 1 more student to get confirmed, otherwise you will get a refund.
All payments are processed by Stripe using their secure encryption system. We never store your card details.